Use of Mask in Prevention of Coronavirus
Apr 9 2020 / Posted in

The document on the use of masks for the prevention of coronavirus, created by SNEHA, highlights key measures for reducing the spread of COVID-19, particularly emphasizing mask usage. It opens by explaining that COVID-19, caused by a novel coronavirus, is transmitted through respiratory droplets released during coughing or sneezing. Transmission can occur through direct contact with an infected person or indirect contact with contaminated surfaces.
This makes protective measures, such as wearing masks, crucial in mitigating the virus's spread. The incubation period of the virus ranges from 1 to 14 days, and even asymptomatic individuals can transmit the virus, which makes preventive measures all the more essential. Wearing a mask, maintaining physical distance, and practicing frequent handwashing are underscored as important actions. The document stresses that if someone is sick, they should wear a mask around others. Even those who are not sick are advised to use homemade masks, especially in crowded areas.
It further outlines guidelines for homemade masks, recommending that they be made from breathable materials like cotton and cleaned daily. Masks should not be shared or reused without proper washing. The advisory also includes detailed instructions on creating reusable cloth masks, emphasizing that these masks reduce but do not eliminate the risk of infection. Social distancing and hygiene remain key preventive strategies.
Additionally, practical tips for handling and sanitizing masks are provided. Masks should be washed with soap and warm water or boiled for sanitization. The document stresses the importance of proper mask handling to prevent contamination and advises against touching the front surface of the mask. It also demonstrates simple ways to make masks at home, either with or without a sewing machine, ensuring access to protection even for those without specialized equipment.
In conclusion, the document promotes the use of homemade masks, especially in densely populated areas, while emphasizing that they should complement, not replace, other preventive measures like social distancing and hand hygiene.