A qualitative exploration of reasons for improvement in nutritional status of children under-three during the pandemic in an informal settlement in Mumbai
Sep 29 2023 / Posted in

The study underscores the critical necessity of adopting a multi-dimensional strategy to enhance child health and bolster nutrition programs, particularly in the context of preparing for future emergencies. This comprehensive approach involves not only addressing the immediate health needs of children but also ensuring that nutrition programs are resilient and adaptive in the face of crises. The research places a strong emphasis on the value of learning from positive deviance cases—situations where certain mothers were able to achieve better nutritional outcomes for their children despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. By closely examining these successful instances, the study suggests that valuable insights can be gained into effective practices and strategies. These findings could inform broader public health efforts and policy-making, ultimately contributing to more robust and responsive systems that support child health and nutrition in times of both stability and crisis.
These insights can inform more holistic interventions for child nutrition, ensuring that effective practices are sustained and scaled to benefit a larger population. Moreover, the findings underscore the critical role of systemic factors, such as government food provisioning and the living environment, in influencing child nutrition. The migration of families to villages during the pandemic provided better access to nutritious food and family support, which significantly contributed to improved nutritional outcomes. The study calls for policy directions that focus on enhancing living conditions in urban informal settlements, ensuring universal access to diverse food provisions, and strengthening community health initiatives to safeguard child health and nutrition in the face of future crises.