You can’t burn the house down because of one bedbug: a qualitative study of changing gender norms in the prevention of violence against women and girls in an urban informal settlement in India
Nov 7 2017 / Posted in

The study focuses on understanding and addressing gender norms in the prevention of violence against women and girls in Mumbai's informal settlements. It highlights the societal legitimization of violence through entrenched structural inequalities and cultural expectations. Researchers explored the difference between descriptive norms (what people do) and injunctive norms (what is socially approved) to identify areas where change is possible.
Key findings suggest that while norms around women’s education and financial independence are gradually shifting, significant barriers remain in areas such as marriage, mobility, and premarital relationships. Women often face strict social and familial controls, leading to limited autonomy. Men, on the other hand, encounter societal expectations to conform to traditional notions of masculinity, which can perpetuate gender-based violence.
The study emphasizes leveraging existing changes in descriptive norms to challenge and transform harmful injunctive norms. It advocates expanding reference groups to expose individuals to progressive attitudes and practices, fostering a supportive environment for norm change. Community-based interventions, such as those implemented by SNEHA, play a crucial role in mobilizing local support, promoting gender equity, and reducing violence against women and girls.